If your functions are motion-based, have a look at "Fuse". It's a set of Tween classes that lets you execute a lot of tweens in sequence. 2 can fire off when 1 finished if you want. You can tween position, alpha, rotation and many more.


Sample code from Moses website:

var f = new Fuse(
{ start_alpha:0, start_x:150, start_y:10, ease:'easeOutQuint', seconds:1 },
 { scale:200, x:'200', tint:0x123456, tintPercent:75 },
{ rotation:'-50', scale:0, ease:'easeOutBounce', seconds:1.5 } // counter-clockwise rotation
f.target = box_mc;
f.start(true); // passing true sets all start-props before running the sequence.


Trying to cut down on hundreds of lines of repeated code with functions, but I have a real "newbie" question:

What is the best way to get functions to "fire" in sequence.
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