But it should. :-)

Like I said, my quick test of
var myPart:SomeInterface=new SomeConcreteImplementingSomeInterface();
trace(myPart instanceof Object);

Traces 'true'. Which is what I'd expect.

I really don't understand why you're getting an error with myCollection.

I know you've solved your immediate problem - but this is niggling at me
now... ;-)


On 2/1/06, j.c.wichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know u can't instantiate an interface, which wasn't what I was trying to
> do ;), I was declaring a variable to be of type SomeInterface
> (instantiating
> it with SomeConcreteClass), which apparently is not regarded by flash then
> of being of type Object as well.
> Got it figured out now ;)
> Thanks
> H
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