i think that theoretically it may be possible to generate real time audio just in the 8.5 player.

In the thread about MIDI and the flash player I mentioned an idea for creating real time audio streams using 8.5

Basically i think you could do it by using the loadBytes method in flash.display.Loader by streaming bytes that represent a streaming swf with audio.

It should work, just needs the code to create the swf header and the right bytes to represent the audio tag inside the swf, then it should just be a matter of pumping the audio into the byte stream.

I'd love to try it if i had the time.

really, though it would make more sense to have a loadBytes method for sounds as well, but i wont go over all the points we covered in that other thread again. :)


ryanm wrote:
8.5 actually provides write as well as read access to the
waveforms? I haven't looked into it much, but i've only
seen people making visualizations of sounds, not actually
modifying or generating them in real-time.

I don't know, but there was talk of it at one time. What I said was *if* 8.5 provides low-level access, then you can make your own filters. ;-)

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