No, but what Ryan describes is exactly what getNextHighestDepth() is  for.

Not at all. If you have a content container at 1, a navigation container at 2 (so that drop downs lay on top of the content), and a footer container at 3, and you need to add another content container (for rotating ads or something), you want it to be next to the other content in depth so that it's under the navigation. I avoid getNextHighestDepth like the plague, it is an evil monkey living in your closet that wants to kill you. Or at least be a major pain in the ass while you try to figure out why you can't control the z-position of your elements. I don't even use it in loops when I'm generating a bunch of movie clips, like rows in a select box or something, I use the iterator for the loop, that way their depth and their index in the array is always the same. The only time I've ever used getNextHighestDepth was in one-off projects where I didn't know or care where the elements ended up because they were created and forgotten. Anything that might have to be referenced or moved later should probably have its depth set explicitly.

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