So i guess what I'm asking is What is the best way to set up the node array(s)? (nested , associative, using objects, etc)

What i would suggest is that when you classify the hotspots, you only create the nodes that you need.

For the data structure each node can have 4 children, so a simple array will do containing references to its 4 child nodes, or even just 4 member variables if you dont want to loop :)

So when constructing the tree you can just create the nodes that actually contain hotspots..

e.g. (in the node class)

function classify(hotspot)
    // flag to indicate if the hotspot is entirely contained
    // within a leaf node
    var containedInLeafNode:Boolean = false;

    for(var n=0;n<4;n++)
        // test bounds of child[n] to see if it can hold the hotspot
            // Make a new node if we dont already have it.
            if(childNodes[n] == undefined)
                childNodes[n] = new Node();
            containedInLeafNode = true;

    // If none of the leaf nodes 'took ownership' of the hotspot
    // then hold onto it here.

So this will recurse down the tree, making sure that any item is contained within the smallest possible leaf node. Of course you'll want to put a limit on how small a node can get. How small that is depends on the sizes of the items you want to classify, if i remember correctly (which i wouldnt assume i do) then the best target size is somewhere just around the size of the smallest object you are trying to classify, unless you are classifying lots of very small objects relative to screen size then you can just cap it somewhere like 4 or 5 levels deep.

Then when you come to query the tree for nodes that contain items that may be within distance of your draggable object you only need to bother with the nodes that exist

for speed you could even not bother with a loop and also take advantage of the fact that calling a function on something that doesnt exist wont generate an error :

so instead of

        if(childNodes[n] != undefined)
           // check childNodes[n] for candidates

you just do


anyway, im just typing it out as it comes into my head..some of it from hazy memories of implementations past. :)

Theres no real canonical way of working with quadtrees, the beauty is that you can adapt them according to your particular requirements.

Id be interested to hear other peoples opinions and experiences or just 'why bother, you can do 'x' because its easier and quicker'


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