2 things:
- your for loop is erroneous... your "dt" variable isn't used as expected (increment it in the for statement) and your "i" variable is unused and shouldn't be here ;-). - you should prefix all your textfields with _root as they are created on _root level.

Change your code as below, and you'll see plenty of textfields :)

for (var dt:Number = 0; dt <= 70; dt++) {
     dtd = "var"+dt;
     trace (dtd);
     trace (dt);
     _root.createTextField (dtd, dt, 50+dt, 50+dt, 200, 100);
     _root[dtd].border = true;
     _root[dtd].background = true;

CARABUS plus a écrit :

I create dynamic textfield with functions and I try to field them without
success, Have you got an idea ?

Thank you

var dt:Number = 0;
var dtd;

for (var dt:Number = 0; dt <= 70; i++) {
    dtd = "var"+dt;
    trace (dtd);
    trace (dt);
    _root.createTextField (dtd, dt, 50+dt, 50+dt, 200, 100);
    dtd.border = true;
    dtd.background = true;
    dt += 1;

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