Static classes like Moses' one (the Fuse Kit) are the future of code-based tweening - zeh

Wow, thanks Zeh - it does mean a lot coming from you man! ;)

Mike and others - really, please don't use the deprecated Sequencer classes any more! Maybe I should take down those pages now that Fuse is mature. Believe me, Fuse is the new Sequencer. //Same thing, just better.// It's a simpler and more streamlined system built on a more efficient tween engine.

Also for people looking for laco's v120 (I wrote that version btw), I would strongly encourage you to write me offlist for Fuse 1.0, which contains the ZigoEngine class. This is the "official" update to Laco's work - he's asked me to carry on updating and distributing the engine for him.

Yes, this project is a work in progress and undergoing rapid improvements, but later this month a very solid, mature, stable release will cap things off. Fuse 1.1 is currently in Beta. It contains a ton of great new features like FuseFMP for easy BitmapFilter management & tweening.

Most importantly v1.1 is broken down into a new class structure that will enable developers to exclude Shortcuts and PennerEasing classes, for instance if they don't extend prototypes or prefer to use mx.transitions easing classes instead. Fuse 1.1 will also be useable as a standalone timed event-broacaster / method-call sequencer, without the use of a tween engine if that's what fits your project. Yet another configuration will enable the use of Fuse's "object syntax" with the ZigoEngine without importing the Fuse class. So it's entirely flexible and lets you include/exclude the features you want. (Plus it's a lot more efficient than v1.0.)

If you're interested in getting on the beta team for Fuse 1.1 please write me offlist. (about 100 people are currently testing it, and Fuse is now being used in over 50 countries around the world!) The Beta just requires a time commitment of several hours of feature and bug testing.

See you at FF Seattle,
- Moses

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