hi, maybe i'm a bit late, but i'm still trying the new f8 funtions and have
a problem when i try to add a bevelfilter, colortransform or such to an
existing (swf loaded into holder on stage) movieclip.

here's what i try to do:

_root.holder > holds a movieclip/swf loaded with loadmovie

now, i try this:

var image:BitmapData = new BitmapData(_root.holder._width,
_root.holder._height, false, 0x00CCCCCC);
_root.holder.attachBitmap(image, this.getNextHighestDepth());
var filter:BevelFilter = new BevelFilter(5, 45, 0xFFFF00, .8, 0x0000FF, .8,
20, 20, 1, 3, "inner", false);
image.applyFilter(image, image.rectangle, new Point(0, 0), filter);

i also tried with colortransform, doesnt work too. attachBitmap doesnt
make sense to me, what to use instead? all examples i've found deal with
newly created movieclips but not with "existing" ones. thanks: lars

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