I have a Flash (8) movie that has a dynamic text field whose contents may vary - it may be between a few lines of text, to as many as a thousand. I would like to have it scale vertically e size of the contents, but always maintain the same width and font size. If it gets too tall to be shown in the HTML page containing it, the HTML pages should be scrolled to see the entire contents. I don't want to use a scroll bar with the text field; the entire contents should be visible at all times.

To further complicate things, the content of the dynamic text box is set via a FlashVar at display time. Also, the font used may be changed via a FlashVar parameter.

What I think I need is a way to change the height of the stage, based on the rendered height of the content at display time. Can this be done with ActionScript? How do I indicate in the object/embed tags in the HTML the height of the SWF, since it won't be known at display time?

thanks - any ideas or references would be appreciated

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