There's been progress in this domain as well. You should expect haXe to be able to get AS3 speed and new APIs quite soon. Plus, you will still be able to use haXe to target Flash 6-7-8 player which is not the case for AS3.

Of course it's the case with AS3. It's perfectly possible to write AS3 code that compiles in AS2 too, the problem is, would we want to?

It's apparent if haXe is the matching subset of AS2 and AS3, it won't be powerful as neither of them.

i think you miss the distinction between a language and its libraries.

From my understanding the core language will provide most features that are available from each of the supported targets, but if you want to make use of specific parts of the target platform then you will need to use its libraries.

Its entirely possible to create a unified API that supports some subset of target specific features, but I expect that this kind of work would most likely be done by the users of haxe, not necessarily by Nicolas.

One advantage of something like haxe is that you reduce the amount of context switching your brain has to do as you move between targets. At the moment im writing an application that has a flash front end and a java backend. Now they are fairly similar languages but I still have to re-adjust my brain as I move between the two.

And another problem is that I end up duplicating a lot of concepts and code that represent data and business processes (which generally have little dependencies on target specific libraries). Sure some of this can be automated, but I really like the idea of being able to create my value objects once, in one language. Same with business processes and other application logic. Im sure you will have heard the hot new acronym DRY. Dont repeat yourself. With haxe you can take that idea and apply it across all targets where appropriate.

less code = less bugs.

personally i think its a great idea. Its not for everyone of course and you are right in that there is a certain barrier to using some aspects of it as its not yet likely to be found as part of some cheap hosting deal, but for those of us who have control of our deployment servers it offers a great opportunity.

A great quote I often remember which Nicolas should put as his sig :

'don't bite my finger, look where i am pointing'


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