so, here in europe we dont have to concern about all this
softwarpatentshit as it isnt legal here...
Actually, European patent and copyright law is even more ridiculous than
US patent and copyright law. You have such wonderful concepts as "inherent
copyright", which means the moment you put any work in a concrete medium, it
is automatically copyrighted without the need to file or even mark it as
copyrighted, causing years of endless grief to anyone wanting to use any
software published to any internet medium, say for example, this mailing
list. So, in other words, if you've ever copied and pasted code from this
email list without express written consent from the original author, and you
live in Europe, you are in violation of EU copyright law. If you've
downloaded code samples from any website and used them in production work,
you are in violation of EU copyright law. And so on. The major difference
is, Europe's enforcement is an even bigger joke than it's laws.
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