coming from a C/ASM background, and today is my first day trying to convert
all of the hundreds upon hundreds of lines of code i use daily to a
component/classes. i want to organize it, so i have my main file in the root
directory ( importing with:

// begin code
import com.drawing.rect;
// end code

my folder is setup as such... main directory (com), empty. several
subfolders. inside the main folder is a folder named drawing. inside drawing
is here are the contents of

// begin code
class rect {
 // -------------------------
 public var radius1:Number;
 public var radius2:Number;
 public var radius3:Number;
 public var radius4:Number;
 public var rWidth:Number;
 public var rHeight:Number;
 public var rColor:Number;
 public var rAlpha:Number;
 public function drawRectangle(target_mc:MovieClip) {
  private var ref:Object = target_mc;
  with(ref) {
   beginFill(rColor, rAlpha);
   moveTo(rRadius1, 0);
   lineTo(rWidth, 0);
   lineTo(rWidth, rHeight - rRadius2);
   curveTo(rWidth, rHeight, rWidth - rRadius2, rHeight);
   lineTo(rRadius3, rHeight);
   curveTo(0, rHeight, 0, rHeight - rRadius3);
   lineTo(0, rRadius4);
   curveTo(0, 0, oRadius4, 0);
// end code

error msg:

**Error** G:\\com\drawing\ Line 7: The class being
compiled, 'rect', does not match the class that was imported, '
     class rect {

**Error** G:\\com\drawing\ Line 18: Attribute used outside
       private var ref:Object = target_mc;

Total ActionScript Errors: 2   Reported Errors: 2

what does this mean? ...

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