
It is build to handle thousand of rows, but there a couple of issues. Population of the datagrid is slow as molasses. You might be able to short circuit your way into some better performance, but it's a crapshoot.

I did some tests on this a while back and posted about it on my blog. Might be worth a read for anyone who needs to populate a datagrid with a lot of information. control/

Also, don't even bother trying to sort. It might be interesting to try delegating sorting to the server and getting a permutation vector back...but even then, it might give you trouble.

Well, if you've got enough records to make population and sorting a performance issue, I'd suggest that fetching those same records again from the server whenever you needed to sort them would be even less desirable.

Also, column sorting is limited to string sorts. When I needed more complex sorting behaviour, I achieved it by subclassing DataGridColumn (might be named differently, it's been awhile) and hooking into the header's press handler.

You could have set sortOnHeaderRelease to false and then responses to the headerRelease event to sort the data. At least that's what we're doing.

Steve Webster
Head of Development

Featurecreep Ltd.
14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH
0117 905 5047

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