Heya guys,

I am assigning the button behaviors to a set of movieclips through a
for loop, however, I am coming up against something where I know what
is happening, but don't know how to fix it.

Basically, inside that for loop I assign each of the button behaviors
as a function but I don't know how to evaluate the counter in the
function, rather than having it just literally written into it.
instead of "section_"+ _root.i  being  section_1, section_2, etc...it
is literally written in each of the buttons as "section_"+_root.i  and
so each button has exactly the same code and all go to the last
section (last value of i) when clicked.

How can I have it so that each function has the proper code it in? is
this even the proper way to go about this? Is there a way to 'force'
the evaluation of that counter in that function when it is being
assigned to the MC?


function buttonBehavior ():Void  {
for (_root.i=1;_root.i<8;_root.i++) {
        _root["mb_"+_root.i].onRollOver = function() {
        _root["mb_"+_root.i].onRollOut = function() {
        _root["mb_"+_root.i].onRelease = function() {
               loadMovie("section_"+_root.i+".swf", "load_target");


(btw, I added the _root. to each of the i's so that the function could 'see' it.

thanks in advance!
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