Hello There!

As long as we are on the topic of EventDispatcher, I have another
question that could really help me out.

If I have multiple Controls (and variables) throughout my application,
that were all tied to a SINGLE variable (that changes several times per
second), could I use an EventDispatcher method - to dispatch an event
whenever this specific variable changes, and have ALL those controls
subscribed to that Event, update themselves with this new value?

Right now, I have a Mouse position function (which runs every time the
mouse moves), that updates a TON of TextFields scattered throughout my
application with the mouse coordinates.  In my function, I have to go
through Each and Every TextField instance, and update the .text

Is there a better way to accomplish this, like using the Event system?
Or is this considered such a simple process, that manually setting the
.text properties for a ton of controls is just the easiest way, rather
than dispatching events?  (keep in mind, this variable gets updated many
times per second)

This topic has been on my mind for a LONG time now - and I would love a
definitive answer on how to do this.

Thanks in advance!

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