I am trying to do a setTransform on my whole movieclip to invert the
colours to
give a high-resolution scheme for people with seeing difficulties. The
is, there are a few graphics (photos) in the app which I do not want to be
inverted. i tried changing their indiviudal transformations back to normal
they are still inverted. How can I not apply the transform to those

In theory, you need to change their transform to the inverse of their parent's transform. It sounds like your transform only contains a ColorTransform component, so this is the bit you need to invert. A ColorTransform object {redMultiplier:t1, redOffset:k1, greenMultiplier:t2, ...} has an inverse {redMultiplier: 1/t1, redOffset: -k1/t1, greenOffset: 1/t2, ...}, so if you apply this to your child clips, it should undo the parent transform. Of course, in practise you might find that there are small errors, especially if any of the multipliers are particularly low or high or if your offset values are truncated at the top or bottom end. In that case, you might find the concatenatedColorTransform works better.

Danny (PS - all this is untested, but it works in theory...)
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