Michael Kønig wrote:
I guess I am just amazed that a swf looses so many frames per second, not from scripts or rendering graphics, but simply from being playing in a bowser. Its just a complet surprise

I don't know if there's anything particularly different about this file running on that machine, but I do know that people are regularly shocked at learning how differently the browsers let plugins play.

Mostly this came up in "Flash sux on Mac" discussions, but it's another example of how the spec-first approach is hard to scale... either it's an ambitious spec which contains lots of details but is impossible for anyone to implement completely (SVG, eg), or it's an incomplete spec where differences emerge in implementations and gradually become recognized. Player and Reader both start with a predictable deployed capability, even though they have to deal with differences in surrounding environment.


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
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Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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