I'm not sure if it'll solve your problem, but you might want to check
out Date.UTC

var maryBirthday_date:Date = new Date(Date.UTC(1974, 7, 12));

I'm not sure what it does (something with universal time), since the
documentation is quite cryptic, but perhaps it's related..?

Good luck.

2006/5/2, Nick McNeill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
First off, long-time member of this list and have gained a wealth of
knowledge from the wisdom here. Thank You All.

I'm having a very confusing problem using the Date Object. I have a
hotel reservation system built in flash, when an international
reservation (outside of the US, mainly Europe ) comes through, the
dates are off by 1 day. I cannot recreate the problem using any
system setup in the US, only via a friend in London doing some
testing for me.

create new Date using May 20th 2006

var checkin = new Date(2006,5,20);

is getting converted to May 19th if you are in Europe, fine in the US.

In plain terms, someone is trying to book 5/20/06 thru 5/22/2006, but
gets booked 5/19/06 thru 5/21/06 instead.
This system has booked literally thousands of domestic US
reservations and we've never seen this until we opened it up to
international customers.

Any insight to why this could be happening, or any known workarounds
for a problem like this would be wonderful. I haven't tried using the
timezone offset yet, any ideas if that might be a cure?

Nick McNeill

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