I probably have a really simple question.. I have a movieclip which
containts the menu items (each button is a movieclip), and know one
section has a white background so the white buttons become invisible. Now
I would like to invert/change the colours of the buttons. Only when I use
setRGB() of the Color-class everything gets changed, so also the little
color differences when you rollover etc.
Anyone know how I can solve this problem the easiest way?


When you use setRGB, the whole object is tinted (replaced) with a given color. What you're looking for is setTransform, which can do more advanced color manipulation. It's like the "Advanced" option when editing movieclip color options on its properties on the Flash IDE.

Check setTransform on the help docs. But briefly, to invert a movieclip (make it 'negative', you can do:

new Color(myMC).setTransform({ra:-100, rb:255, ga:-100, gb:255, ba:-100, bb:255});

- Zeh
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