Hi FlashCoders,

I've got an issue when swapping (progressive) video content over in a single Flash 8 FLVPlayer component.

I'm setting contentPath to load a movie and start playing it. When the user changes the movie I'm simply resetting contentPath to the new files path which changes the stream and starts playing the new FLV.

This works fine for all FLV's that contain both Video and Audio layers. The problem occurs when I swap from a FLV with visual content to one with just Audio. After loading the Audio the last visual frame of the previous video is left visible on-screen.

Is there anyway I can either:

- Clear that visual 'buffer'
- Find out whether the FLV is only audio to then either load a default visual and/or set the video._visible to false

I've tried the video.stop() and video.closeVideoPlayer() prior to opening the new stream, but these do not seem to clear it.

(Tangent: calling video.stop() without a loaded Video in place seems to make Flash & Flash player pretty unstable and causes both applications to crash)

Thinking about loading a blank movie between change overs, but any other suggestions appreciated.


Dan Efergan

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