Hi there, I have a problem. This class doesn't work correctly. When I create an Object, all it's property's values become undefined even if I Insert Items trough the "Nueva_Ruta" method. When I Call the "SHOW ALL" method for tracing , all Array items are empty/undefined. I really need help about it. I don't understand this behavior. I'm Using Flash Develop. Thanks a lot. //--------------------------CLASS ------------------------------ class Ruta { //----- private var cantidad:Number; private var ruta:Array; private var nombre_ruta:Array; //-----CONSTRUCTOR public function Ruta() { cantidad = 0; } //--------- INSERT METHOD public function Nueva_Ruta(nombre:String, pruta:String):Void{ ruta.push(pruta); nombre_ruta.push(nombre); cantidad++; } //---------- SHOW ALL public function Todas_las_Rutas():Array { var nombres_rutas:Array = new Array; for(var i:Number = 0; i < cantidad ; i++){ nombres_rutas[i] = nombre_ruta[i] + " (" + ruta[i] + ")"; } return nombres_rutas; } }
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