Mtasc compiler has a parameter -frame  (framenumber) wich sets the injection 


  Additional arguments are the following : 

    a.. -swf file : specify input SWF which contains assets. 
    b.. -cp path : add a directory path to the ClassPath : this is the list of 
directories that MTASC will use to look for .as files. You can use several 
times -cp to add several directories. 
    c.. -main : will automaticaly call static function main once all classes 
are registered. 
    d.. -header width:height:fps:bgcolor : does not load a SWF, instead create 
a new one containing only compiled code and using provided header informations. 
bgcolor is optional and should be 6 digits hexadecimal value. 
    e.. -mx : use precompiled MX classes (see section on V2 components below). 
  Some other arguments, for advanced users : 

    a.. -version n : specify SWF version : 6 to generate Player 6r89 compatible 
SWF or 8 to access Flash8 features. 
    b.. -v : activate verbose mode, printing some additional informations about 
compiling process. 
    c.. -out file : change output swf file. 
    d.. -msvc : use Microsoft Visual Studio errors style formating instead of 
Java style (for file names and lines number). 
    e.. -strict : will use strict compilation mode which require that all 
variables are explicitely typed. 
    f.. -exclude file : exclude code generation of classes listed in specified 
file (format is one full class path per line). 
    g.. -trace function : specify a custom trace function. (see Trace 
Facilities), or no disable all the traces. 
    h.. -keep : keep AS2 classes compiled by MCC into the SWF (this could cause 
some classes to be present two times if also compiled with MTASC). 
    i.. -frame f : will export AS2 classes into target frame of swf. 
    j.. -pack path : compile all the files contained in specified package - not 
recursively (eg to compile files in c:\flash\code\my\app do mtasc -cp 
c:\flash\code -pack my/app). 
    k.. -group : will merge classes into one single clip (this will reduce SWF 
size but might cause some problems if you're using -keep or -mx). 
    l.. -wimp : adds warnings for import statements that are not used in the 
    m.. -infer : adds type inference for initialized local variables (see 
and those who use MTASC and did not have know about haXe should spend some time 
and take a look for this language, 


  Basicly, what haXe can do is : 

    a.. create Flash SWF files using Flash APIs for Players 6,7,8 and soon 8.5
    b.. generate Javascript code using Browser DHTML API, so you can create 
AJAX web applications
    c.. generate Bytecode that can be used on the Server side (using an Apache 
plugin) or packed into standalone executable
  Each of theses platforms have their own API, but they share the same 
programming language and the same standard library, so if your classes are pure 
code (using no platform-specific API) then they can be compiled and used 
everywhere, depending on your needs. 

  Also, haXe make it easy to interoperate between theses different platforms, 
by providing common protocol libraries. Please note that it's still possible to 
use haXe on only one platform if you want for example keep your current working 

João Carlos
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "aaron smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 6:07 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] actionscript injection on root timeline?

> is it possible to use mtasc to inject code into the root timeline of a 
> already existing swf? the swf is an embeddedvideo. I want to inject some 
> code onto the first frame so I can control it when loaded.
> thanks
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