The Flashcoders Archive is broken.

How can we elitists lecture newbies to search the Flashcoders archives if it
isn't working correctly?  ;)

I realize that you are providing a free service, but if we are telling
people to check the Archives before asking the list and the archive isn't
working, we look like jerks.  IMHO, this needs to be fixed ASAP in order to
save us from ourselves (and, of course, to have a useful archive).

Searches aren't working fully, even by Author.

Example.  I searched for the term "help vampire" which has been brought up
many times over the past two months and it comes up with no results.

"No matches were found for 'help and vampire'"

However, I can look at today's posts and see the term "help vampire" in a
few threads.

Looking at April, two months previous:

Here's my post with "help vampire" right in the subject!

That post didn't come up even when I searched by my name, even though it is
clearly written by me.

The post right after it has help vampire in the body:

Yet, no results.

Also, all the images are broken.


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