class MyWidget {
 function myWidget(xmlFile) { // constructor
case problem in your code - myWidget needs to be MyWidget to be the constructor.

is there another pattern for doing this?
I'd declare xmlData as a property of the MyWidget class, so it will have scope throughout the class and use 'Delegate' to run init within your class scope rather than in the xmlData object scope.

Then you will have access to it in your init function without having to somehow pass it in, in the way you are attempting.

So adjusting your code as per my advice (Not tested)...

class MyWidget
 private var xmlData:XML;

 function MyWidget( xmlFile ) // constructor
   xmlData = new XML();
   xmlData.load( xmlFile );
   xmlData.onLoad = mx.utils.Delegate.create( this, init );
 function init( bSuccess ):Void
   if( bSuccess )
     // do layout stuff here
     // you have scope access to the loaded xmlData object
     // and scope of the rest of MyWidget


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