I use PrimalScript on windows, and the code completion (aka
Intellisense) is very nice. It works on all the built in classes, as
well as all my own classes. It's not perfect (occasionally it only
finds function names, but not paramaters), but it speeds up my coding
a lot -- i don't have to look into the reference to find the exact
name of the method I want.

-David R

On 6/26/06, Steven Loe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

After pleading with BareBones software a couple of times to offer native
support for ActionScript, I finally seem to have their attention...

They've asked me what specific AS editing features (besides code coloring)
would be most valuable. I'm just one guy, and my requests would be integration
with MTASC and Command-Enter to test movie. What features do the rest of the
Mac ActionScripters want to see in BBEdit?

I'll compile respones into a feature request list and send it it Bare Bones.

thanks very much!


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