If you want to create a SWF that doesnt use the Flex Framework:

        import flash.display.Sprite;

        public class HelloWorld extends Sprite;
                public funciton HelloWorld()
                        trace("Hello World");

Then compile like so:

mxmlc HelloWorld.as

That will compile a SWF.

If you want to use the Flex Framework, then you :

a. have to use the technique I describe below
b. have to take the size hit that using the framework entails

Hope that helps...

mike chambers


On Jul 5, 2006, at 2:30 PM, Zárate wrote:

Hi again,

Thanks Mike for the info but could you explain it a little bit more or
point us to some place describing the process? I´m fairly sure I won´t
be the only one trying to create swfs without the Flex Framework.

I haven´t done the test yet (I will, sure) but, which is the less size
possible of a Flex application? I still have to take care about weight
size in some projects.

I know the Flex Framework is a boost for some applications (and free!)
but maybe it´s still too heavy for ultra-light projects.


On 7/5/06, Mike Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is not support for using the Flex Framework in an AS only
> project. While it is theoretically possible, you would have to
> manually bootstrap a lot of the application initialization code that
> Flex handles (something which would be rather complex).
> If you want to play with the framework, but don't want to layout your
> app with mxml, then the easier way is to create a simple mxml file
> that contains an application tag, and a script tag that then points
> to your code.
> This way, the application tag will take care of all of the
> initialization, and you can then leverage the framework via
> ActionScript.
> If you just want to use ActionScript and no framework, then mxmlc
> will also compile an .as file.
> Hope that helps...
> mike chambers
> On Jul 5, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Zárate wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I want to start playing with AS3 so I´ve downloaded the Flex 2 SDK
> > from Adobe Labs. I don't want to use Flex Builder, I'm interested in
> > the free compiler.
> >
> > I want to keep living without the Flex Framework but seems that the > > mxmlc compiler *needs* an mxml file (which, by the way, make sense):
> >
> > "The basic syntax of the mxmlc utility is as follows:
> >
> > mxmlc [options] -file-specs target_file|dir [...]
> >
> > The file-specs options is the default option, and it is required to > > have a value. It refers to the target MXML file that mxmlc compiles
> > into a SWF file."
> >
> > How do I create a SWF just from AS3 code without MXML files, aka Flex > > framework? Is this possible? Am I missing something important here?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Juan
> >
> > --
> > Juan Delgado - Zárate
> > http://www.zarate.tv
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Juan Delgado - Zárate
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