hiya -

i want to have a movieClip "symbol" in my library of items, and then
create an instance of this on the stage. is there a function to do

I realize i could put an instance on, and then use "duplicate" with
the instance name, but i want to get rid of these dependencies on
stuff being onscreen, from the IDE.

while we're at it, why does createEmptyMovieClip need so many params?
if all i need is a handle to the clip, why do i have to make up a
unique name (and make sure its unique)
cant flash just create a dummy "unique string id" on te fly,
and assume next highest level when its created?
seems odd the programmer has to do this work... simply:

clip = mc.createEmptyMovieClip();

would seem to be adequate... ?

tx for any suggestions...

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