That is really weird, huh?

Well, for strings, I think it's often better to use .length for Boolean
tests, anyway:

function test(s:String) {
if (s.length) {
// Catches any nonempty string.
} else {
// Catches null, undefined, and empty strings.

Ok, this is why people have such a hard time with strict typing. First of all, you should not be treating false, 0, null, and undefined as interchangable, because they are not. This is the most basic of best practices: say what you mean, and be explicit. Using an evaluation that is not boolean as a boolean evaluation is just lazy code. Period. And later, when you can't figure out where the bug came from, you'll spend hours hunting down where a condition fell through the cracks. Oops, the new player changed the implicit return value of the datatype you were using in your condition, or changed the way different types are compared, and your whole application broke as a result, when an extra 2 characters (>0) could've avoided the issue.

Also, no one ever actually answered the OPs question. The difference between null and undefined is that undefined means the variable was never initialized or has been deleted. You should never *set* a variable to undefined, you should always use null instead, otherwise you ruin the whole distinction between an uninitialized variable and one that you have set to null.

var a:Number;
trace(a); // undefined
a = 1; // set it
trace(a); // 1
a = null; // empty it
trace(a); // null
delete a; // uninitialize it
trace(a); // undefined

It is useful to have two different types of "no value assigned", because you can tell the difference between a variable that is just currently without a value, and one that has either never been assigned a value or has been deleted. It is even more useful in complex datatypes.

var o:Object;
trace(o); // undefined
o = new Object(); // initialize
trace(o); // [Object object]
o = String("blah"); // assign a primitive as an object
trace(o); // blah
o = String(""); // set to empty string
trace(o); // (empty string, *not* undefined)
o = null; // empty it
trace(o); // null
delete o; // destroy it
trace(o); // undefined

So you can see, it can be useful to be able to make the distinction between a variable that has been initialized and then emptied, and a variable that has never been initialized. The most common place to do this is in something like this:

class Example{
var o:Object;
   function Example(){
       // code
   function SomeOtherFunction(){
       // ensure the object has been initialized
       // you may not want to reinitialize it if the value is null,
       // since null may have some other meaning in this context.
       if(o==undefined) o = new Object();

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