Here are my thoughts.

Based on the image you passed on in one of your previous postings, it looks
like you are building a drop down list component. I would assume that you
wanted slice9 so you could scale the component in the X direction for longer
strings.  Is this a correct assumption?

You might want to break your image into three (3) columns. Col 1 would be an
image from the left edge of the image to just right of the first black line.
The second would be a single pixel column between the left and right black
lines. The third column would be from just to the left of the right black
line to the right edge of the image.

With these three graphics you can build a X scaled component of any width.
Simply replicate the single pixel column to create a text area the size you
need.  Use the BitmapData class to build the image and simply dump the
resulting image in to a MC. This is but one example of the power held by
imaging code new to Flash 8 ( copyPixels() for example )

Charles P.
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