On 7/25/06, Danny Kodicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just out of interest, I tried a speed test using the three methods - mine
was the fastest by a very long way:

Thanks -- I was hoping somebody would test it :)

This seemed a weird result, so I took a look for other differences. It turns
out that the test for array.__proto__ == Array.prototype is *way* slower
than using instanceof Array. When I replaced the two relevant lines in the
other two functions, mine was relegated to a rightful third place

I thought about that when I saw yours. It kinda makes sense that it's
faster when being handled internally (saves two getProperty's after
all), but I would have never expected it to have such a huge effect.
So we learn that instanceOf is very fast.

iterative 2387 length: 264356
recursive 1175 length: 264356
Mark's version 1096 length: 264356

This seems to be extreme. Any chance something is going wrong with the
test? Did you wait a few frames before doing the first test to ensure
initialization has finished? Maybe switch the order to see if the
first one always is the slowest?
Frankly, I only had a quick look at yours, but it seemed to follow
roughly the same principle as mine. So where is the bottleneck (if the
test works correctly)?

BTW, the reason I didn't have a detailed look were the shortened,
non-descriptive variable names. This is most likely not necessary. It
makes sense for properties, but variables usually are stored as
registers (if the compiler chooses to use function2 instead of the old
function tag, which it normally does for class methods), the names you
give them in your source code are irrelevant and don't appear in the

Given the minuscule performance difference, I'd go with the original
(recursive) version for elegance and readability. Unless somebody
feels like giving mine a work over with flasm, that is, it has more
potential for bytecode optimizations because the recursive one's
bottleneck is the function call, and that can't be changed.

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