In Flash 6, I was able to embed a font in an FLA (we'll call it base.fla), 
load into base.swf an external SWF (we'll call it main.swf), and create a 
text field in main.swf using the font embedded in base.swf.  However, I 
can't seem to get this approach to work in Flash 7.  More specifically, in 
Flash 6, I can add a text field off stage in base.fla, and embed the font. 
Let's say the font is "Proxima Nova Bold."  In main.fla, I can create a text 
field using the Proxima Nova Bold font with the following code:

var myStyle = new TextFormat();
myStyle.font = "Proxima Nova Bold";
myText.embedFonts = true;
myText.text = "Hello World!";

But if I export main.fla as Flash 7, the technique no longer works.  Has 
anyone else used this approach successfully in Flash 6, and found that it 
does not work in Flash 7?  Or is it possible I'm missing something.  I would 
rather avoid the use of a shared font library, because I've heard they have 
the potential to corrupt FLAs.  However, if anyone would like to convince me 
my fears are unfounded, I'm open to being convinced.

Raymond Simmons 

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