Hi All!


I'm currently working on a project that will require access to, and search
capabilities for, a database for well over 1000 media elements (and all
their attribute fields). This project will run cross platform (separate
installers) and I have to assume that some machines may not be connected to
the internet, and they may not be running server software.


As potential solutions, I've successfully experimented with Northcode's SWF
Studio (with SQLite wrapper) and MDM Zinc. Both were relatively easy to
implement.Zinc was a little less painful, but by then I had worked out a few
kinks in my brain (I hope).


There is, unfortunately, a brick wall in all this. Standalone,
no-net-connection on the Mac. Northcode.doesn't appear to be able to publish
for it. Zinc.well their database connectivity/query functionality goes way
down for Mac, and seems to require access through a port/host rather than
packaged local.


So my big question.am I wrong, and could someone straighten me out on this
issue (and help me see how to do it), or is there another solution (aside
from remaking the entire DB in flash) that I'm missing?


Note: the original plan was to write the DB and export as XML. An easy
import method into Flash, no Doubt, but I figured the XML parser would poop
(then die a recursive death) with the size of XML file we'd be talking
about. So I've been bending and changing.just need something that (1) works
and (2) is as easy as possible to implement. Booyeah!


Thanks for any and all recommendations!



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