I have come across what looks like a bug to me in the behavior of the 
radiobutton component in Flash 8 Pro.

I have posted a movie at:


And the source FLA at:


Here is the code applied to the movieclip that contains the radio buttons:

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
  if(hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) {
    for (item in this) {
      rButton = this[item];
      if (rButton.getState()) {
                trace ("You selected "+rButton.getLabel());
        _root.dyntext.text = rButton.getLabel();

This is taken pretty much straight from the Macromedia docs on radio buttons. 
The behavior I see is that with one click nothing happens. With another click 
the selected button get darkened, but no label is reported to the dynamic text 
area or to the trace. Then with a click on the other radio button the 
PREVIOUSLY SELECTED button now is reported. After that point always the 
previously selected button is always reported, so if you click on a button 
multiple times it reports the other button first then itself. 

All I am trying to do here is create a simple interface to toggle between two 
states in a movie, which I thought would be a logical use for radio buttons -- 
but this is really frustrating. 

-- Randal
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