maybe using mx.events.EventDispatcher could help
i'm probably wrong, but have you tried ?

class A {
     function onRollOver() {
          dispatchEvent({type:"onRollOver", target:this});

    function doTheRollOver() {
       // do somtehing here....

class B {

 function B() {
    var a:A = new A();
    a.addEventListener("onRollOver", Delegate.create(this, onRollOver));

 function onRollOver(e:Object) : Void {
   // do something else here

On 8/11/06, Johannes Nel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
var f:Function = mc.onRollOver

mx.onRollOver = function ()

you might want  to look at function.apply to get it too call in the right

On 8/11/06, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> but it doesn't work for me, because I don't want to get onRollOver
> from the superclass ( I don't do an extend). I just want to add some
> functionality to the onRollOver of the same instance of a movieclip.
> it's like that:
> var mc:MovieClip = this.attachMovie(MyClipClass.SymbolName,"mc",
> this.getNextHighestDepth());
> var tooltip:MyTooltipClass = new MyTooltipClass(mc, "tooltiptext");
> in MyClipClass, there is a public function onRollOver() {}, which
> works well, as long as I don't apply MyTooltipClass.
> in MyTooltipClass, there I call mc.onRollOver = function() {}, which
> overwrites the former onRollOver. But I just want to add something to
> the existing onRollOver.
> Someone?
> 2006/8/11, Martin Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >
> > Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > > Hello list,
> > >
> > > my tooltip class uses code like this "mc.onRollOver = function() {}"
> > > to add its tooltip functionality to a movieclip mc. But this way it
> > > overwrites the onRollOver method of mc and disables the functionality
> > > like highlighting.
> > >
> > > So now my question (probably a really simple one): How is it possible
> > > to append functionality instead of overwriting? is there something
> > > like "super()" is for cunstructors?
> >
> > exactly.
> >
> > super.onRollOver()
> >
> > will call the method in the superclass.
> >
> > martin
> >
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