> How can you efficiently fill a textfield to the point in which you know it
> is completely full?

Here's a revised version using a word array. But as I said, including
formatting would be more difficult and significantly slower. I tend to agree
with Meinte that in this case you're better off using scrolling (although
the function below may be of interest in any case)

function fillField(fld:TextField, txt:Array, curr:String) {
        if (curr == undefined) {
                curr = "";
        var len:Number = txt.length;
        if (len == 0) {
        } else if (len == 1) {
                        fld.text = curr + txt[0];
                if (fld.textHeight > fld._height) {
                        fld.text = curr;
        } else {
                var half:Array = txt.slice(0, len / 2);
                fld.text = curr + half.join(" ");
                if (fld.textHeight > fld._height) {
                        fillField(fld, half, curr);
                } else {
                        fillField(fld, txt.slice(len / 2), fld.text + " ");

I tested it with
fillField(test, src.text.split(" "));


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