Hi David,

Like you, I didn't have any previous programming experience when I started
using ActionScript. I *think* I'm now pretty nifty with my OOP but still
feel like I have oodles to learn when it comes to structuring more complex
app's in a good way.

I'd echo the suggestions of learning a few designs patterns and the one I
swear by is MVC (which I learnt from Moock's EAS 2.0) as I find it really
helps me to divvy up code into classes that group tasks together in a
logical way. I've also found that adhering to the principles of the MVC
pattern helps me to write code that is much more flexible and scalable. That
said, I've also found that it is easy to start overusing MVC and suddenly
you've got a bunch of classes where you probably only need one or two! I'm
still learning when MVC is good and when it's a mallet to crack a nut.

I've also tried to get my head around UML on several different occasions.
I'm not sure if I'm reading the wrong books or trying to learn too much too
quickly but UML is the one thing that does my brain in! So far I've found
developing class structures organically has been sufficient for the sizes of
projects I typically work on but I always find myself wanting to refactor
the whole thing when it's complete (I guess that goes with the territory!).

On my most recent project I decided to use Grant Skinner's GModeler (
http://www.gskinner.com/gmodeler/) simply to create a basic, conceptual
model of my class structure before writing any code. I purposefully didn't
go into much detail - just a few core methods and properties per class to
establish their key responsibilites. I found I was able to come up with what
seemed like a decent class structure fairly quickly and somehow I found
myself quickly solving some of the bigger issues I would have encountered
had I written the classes organically. As I started writing the code, the
class structure naturally started evolving to a point where the structure
differed fairly significantly from my class diagram but I am still using the
diagram to remind myself of the principles and duties I worked out at the
start. I shall try using this approach a few more times and may then take
another stab at some more complex UML...gulp!

HTH in some small way.


On 8/18/06, David Bellerive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone!

I'm having real difficulty understanding how to
properly architect and structure Flash applications
using ActionScript 2.0.

I've read Colin Moock's excellent "Essential
ActionScript 2.0" and several other books and articles
on the topic and while I can safely say that I do
understand the syntax, I can't seem to write an entire
application using OO design mainly because I can't
figure out what should be in a class, which class
should do what, which class should extend MovieClip,
which class should use composition instead, which
class should start the application, etc.

I'm sure a lot of excellent Flash developpers in this
mailing list didn't have previous coding experience
before they started Flash (like myself) and managed to
become the ActionScript 2.0 OO pros aroud here.

Any help / tips ?

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