It seems you're being unnecessarily complicated here. Why take the pieces,
move piece A, remove piece A from the group and then move all the rest?
do it all in one loop.

I thought I needed that approach because how would the group know what piece
is being moved and how would the other pieces in the group know which to
move from? If I just tell the group to move according to current mouse
location, all the pieces in the group will position itself to the mouse
coordinates, not by where it should be located by the moved piece.. If you
have a better solution, I'm happy to hear from you :)

As for the source of your problem, I'm guessing it's
because the mouse moves while the loop is running. Try storing the _xmouse
and _ymouse properties at the start of the loop.

within or before the onEnterFrame event? If before, how would I tell the
group the current position I want them to be? I mean, I think it's obvious I
need to loop _xmouse & _ymouse properties, right? If within, wouldn't it be
too redundant to store _xmouse + _ymouse properties into a variable before
processing it?

Sorry for my stupidity here, and thanks for the help :)

Guntur N. Sarwohadi
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