
I struggled with this as well.
I have this working for all my custom components, albeit it is tough as heck to 
get just right.
I have basic: class XX extends MovieClip {...} 
I have a clear seperation of the constructor and an init() function like you 
have. The init function is what draws the actual component.
The reason your text changes size is because it's changing the scale of the 
live-preview movie. You need to add to the actionscript of the livepreview .fla 
the following:

obj = new Object ();
obj.onResize = function () {
        MCREFERENCE.__width = Stage.width;
        MCREFERENCE.__height = Stage.height;
        // or try your .draw() function in here.
Stage.addListener (obj);

The "MCREFERENCE" is basically the empty MC that is the reference to itself 
when a live-preview is instantiate in the stage. This is confusing as heck, but 
it's how you can control the live-preview component on the stage. The __width 
and __height are the dimensions to use when redrawing via init(). I use this 
instead of _width/_height because of sizing issues when I use the draw 

You basically need to completely redraw the entire live preview MC in the 
init() function. I call all sorts of .clear() and .unloadMovieClip() functions 
depending on how complex this MC is for every call to the init() function.

If your text is disappearing all the time - try using a device font instead of 
embedded font?

This is a bit of a rough answer to your questions - but there is so much to 
explain here.

Jim Palmer ! Mammoth Web Operations

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles
> Parcell
> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:11 AM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Publish / Live Preview resize issue of
> customcomponent extending movieClip
> uggggh!!  I am really at my wits end.  I have struggled with 
> this hobbie
> project for well over 6 months and seem to be getting no 
> where!!! I ahve
> read countless numbers of articles, documentation, etc. and 
> seem to be even
> more confused than when I started.
> I believe that my biggest problem is that I have spent so 
> much time on this
> issue, and have read so many different posts, articals, etc. 
> that I am not
> sure that is factual and what is not. I think I have even 
> gotten confused on
> how basic functions actually works. ugh!!!
> Could someone look over this code and tell be all the dumb 
> crap I have done
> and how I can fix it. Here is a list of the issues I am 
> having and can not
> seem to correct.
> 1) Live preview of the component scales correctly the very 
> first time you
> scale it. All other times it seems to be using the original 
> component size
> and adjusting it by the delta value of the scaling.
> 2) My text area during live preview 99% of the time does not appear.
> 3) When I Publish, the text within the component scales 
> rather than being
> the font size I indicate even though I am using autoSize.
> 4) A problem that occurs some times is that the Published 
> version of the
> component will be way way bigger than what live preview shows me.
> 5) If I scale up the component a good bit (perhaps by 400 pixels) the
> dropshadow disapears.
> Please please please, take a look at this class I have built 
> and tell me all
> the dumb things I have done.  The one things that I ask is that this
> component continue to extend movieClip.
> Many thanks!!!!
> Charles
> import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
> class com.camber.component.Balloon extends movieClip {
> // Constants:
>     public static var symbolName:String = "Balloon";
>     public static var symbolOwner = com.camber.component.Balloon;
>     public var className:String = "Balloon";
>     public static var CLASS_REF = com.camber.component.Balloon;
>     public static var LINKAGE_ID:String = "Balloon";
> // Public Properties:
> // Private Properties:
>     private var balloonText:TextField;
>     private var _balloonText:String;
>     private var _dsDistance:Number;
>     private var _dsEnabled:Boolean;
>     private var updatedWidth:Number;
>     private var updatedHeight:Number;
> // UI Elements:
> // Initialization:
>     private function Balloon() {
>         this.init();
>     }
> // Public Methods:
>     // ====== Text Field FUNCTIONS =================
>     [Inspectable(defaultValue="Text goes here", type=String)]
>     public function set text(zText:String){
>         try{
>             this._balloonText = zText;
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in SET text():" + err);
>         }
>         //invalidate();
>     }
>     public function get text():String{
>         return _balloonText;
>     }
>     // ====== Drop Shadow Distance FUNCTIONS =================
>     [Inspectable(defaultValue=10, type=Number)]
>     public function set dsDistance(zSetTo:Number){
>         try{
>             if(zSetTo > 0){
>                 this._dsDistance = zSetTo;
>                 var x = this.getFilterIndex();
>                 var filterList:Array = this.filters;
>                 filterList[x].distance = this._dsDistance;
>                 filters = filterList;
>             }
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in SET dsDistance():" + err);
>         }
>         //invalidate();
>         //draw();
>     }
>     public function get dsDistance():Number{
>         return this._dsDistance;
>     }
>     // ====== Drop Shadow Enabled FUNCTIONS =================
>     [Inspectable(defaultValue=true, type=Boolean)]
>     public function set dsEnabled(zSetTo:Boolean){
>         try{
>             this._dsEnabled = zSetTo;
>             var x = getFilterIndex();
>             var filterList:Array = this.filters;
>             if(_dsEnabled){
>                 filterList[x].strength = 1;
>             } else {
>                 filterList[x].strength = 0;
>             }
>             filters = filterList;
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in SET dsEnabled():" + err);
>         }
>         //invalidate();
>     }
>     public function get dsEnabled():Boolean{
>         return _dsEnabled;
>     }
> // Semi-Private Methods:
> // Private Methods:
>     // ====== Init FUNCTION =================
>     private function init(){
>         try{
>             this.updatedWidth = this._width;
>             this.updatedHeight = this._height;
>             this.createChildren();
>             //_dsDistance = 10;
>             //_dsEnabled = true;
>             this.instanceDS();
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in init():" + err);
>         }
>     }
>     // ====== CreateChildren FUNCTION =================
>     private function createChildren(){
>         super.createChildren();
>         //size();
>         try{
>             this.createTextField("balloonText", 
> this.getNextHighestDepth(),
> 6, 6, this.updatedWidth - 12, this.updatedHeight - 12);
>             this.balloonText.autoSize = true;
>             this.balloonText.text = _balloonText;
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in createChildren():" + err);
>         }
>     }
>     // ====== Instance Drop Shadow FUNCTION =================
>     private function instanceDS(){
>         try{
>             var angleInDegrees:Number = 45;
>             var color:Number = 0x000000;
>             var alpha:Number = .75;
>             var blurX:Number = 10;
>             var blurY:Number = 10;
>             if(this._dsEnabled){
>                 var strength:Number = 1;
>             } else {
>                 var strength:Number = 0;
>             }
>             var quality:Number = 2;
>             var inner:Boolean = false;
>             var knockout:Boolean = false;
>             var hideObject:Boolean = false;
>             var dsFilter:DropShadowFilter = new
> DropShadowFilter(this._dsDistance, angleInDegrees, color, 
> alpha, blurX,
> blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout, hideObject);
>             var filterArray:Array = new Array();
>             filterArray.push(dsFilter);
>             filters = filterArray;}
>         catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in instanceDS():" + err);
>         }
>     }
>     // ====== GetFilterIndex FUNCTION =================
>     private function getFilterIndex():Number{
>         try{
>             for(var i in filters){
>                 if(this.filters[i] instanceof DropShadowFilter){
>                     trace("filters.length:"+filters);
>                     trace("filters[index]:"+i);
>                     var index = i;
>                     break;
>                 }
>             }
>             return index;
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in getFilterIndex():" + err);
>         }
>     }
>     // ====== Draw FUNCTION =================
>     private function draw(){
>         super.draw();
>         try{
>             //this.balloonText.text = _balloonText;
>             //this._balloonText = "this._width = " + 
> this._width + "\n";
>             //this._balloonText += "this.width = " + 
> this.width + "\n";
>             //this._balloonText += "this.balloonText._width = " +
> this.balloonText._width + "\n";
>             //this.balloonText._width = this._width - 12;
>             //this.balloonText._height = this._height - 12;
>             this.balloonText.removeTextField();
>             createChildren();
>             this._balloonText = "this._width = " + this._width + "\n";
>             this._balloonText += "this.width = " + this.width + "\n";
>             this._balloonText += "this.updatedWidth = " +
> this.updatedWidth+ "\n";
>             this._balloonText += "this.balloonText._width = " +
> this.balloonText._width + "\n";
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in draw():" + err);
>         }
>     }
>     // ====== Size FUNCTION =================
>     private function size(){
>         super.size();
>         try{
>             this.updatedWidth = width;
>             this.updatedHeight = height;
>             //this.balloonText._width = this._width - 12;
>             //this.balloonText._height = this._height - 12;
>         } catch(err){
>             trace("ERROR in size():" + err);
>         }
>         //draw();
>         //invalidate();
>     }
>     private function onLoad(){
>         draw();
>     }
> }
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