Kevin Aebig wrote:
Just so we're clear, I don't mean they simply enjoy their jobs. I'm talking
about the guys who constantly learn, adapt and take their work home with
them on a regular basis. The guys who eat, breathe and sleep their jobs.
I've found that there are many guys fresh out of school who are like this
for the first 6 months to a year and than taper off. Than it's simply 9 to 5
and everything else is a waste.

Sounds like burnout.

If you know a lot of them, than you're living in a pretty unique place
compared to where I'm from. I'm pretty rigged into the industry here and
generally most of the guys couldn't even do that if they wanted to. They
have families or other commitments that infringe on their time.

I think you meant to say 'their' (this group includes me) priorities change and coding all day every day just isnt as important or exciting as something like seeing the first smile on their childs face.

anyway..its all getting a bit OT now.

lets stick to what this list is about. :)

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