dnk wrote:
aaron smith wrote:
im guessing your just having issues with how the data is mapped in the
result vars. Are you using NetConnection debugger to look at the results, so
you know exaclty how the return object is mapped to the data.. IE(
recordset.getItemAt(0) );..

see what i mean?

Ok - I did further testing. I purchased "service capture" to do a more extensive check, and for some reason (not sure if it is amfphp or not), in the debug (for a response), it shows the SQL query as being:

SELECT * FROM dkcms_photo ORDER BY phMod DESC

Hence my missing fields.

Now in my PHP class I have this for the actual SQL query:

SELECT dkcms_photo.*, dkcms_profiles.uFname FROM dkcms_photo LEFT JOIN dkcms_profiles ON dkcms_profiles.uId = dkcms_photo.phUsername WHERE uId='trevor' ORDER BY phMod DESC

So it makes me wonder why amfphp is returning the other sql query?

As stated before, my query works as expected in the amfphp service browser, and as well as running the query in the mysql command line and even in a phpmyadmin interface.

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Problem solved!

Another developer modified the wrong php class!   :-p

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