He's right, and declaring the variable i inside of the loop rather than
before actually (weirdly) runs faster. I don't know what pcode it produces,
but I know CPU doesn't care about pcode. I think the only way to test speed
is timing the thing. It's all very interesting, but I doubt even 10 ms of
difference over 10,000 iterations could ever be noticable to the user. It
certainly won't be the difference between a script timeout or not. I like
the for..in for its simplicity ... also it helps avoid endless looping and
other unexpected behavior if you're adding to or taking away from the array
while the loop is running.

I agree, AS3 rocks! I'm done with 275 ms if I can have 7 ms. Thats 39 times
faster! geesh


On 9/19/06, JOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Actually, Tyler's tests proved that "var a in" is faster with today's
player.  I tried his test out myself and my results were even wider than
his.  I published for AS2 and ran in Flash Player 9.  I was averaging
roughly 265ms for "var a in" and 275ms for "(--a -(-1))".

Then I compiled for AS3 and it ran too fast for testing at 7ms for
both!!!!  AS3/Player 9 rocks!!!

So, I added another 9 to the loop counter making it 99999 iterations.
Then "var a in" ran at 70ms, (--a -(-1)) and (a--) ran the same at 77ms.

Then I added another 9 making the loops 999999.  "var a in" ran at
740ms, (--a -(-1)) ran 765ms and (a--) at 770ms.

I'm satisfied that "for (var a in array)" is faster than "while (--a
-(-1))".  Perhaps in the past that wasn't always the case, but with
player 9 it is the case and that's what I'll be basing my decisions on.

James O'Reilly

Steven Sacks | BLITZ wrote:
>>using a for..i..in loop will always be faster
> It's been proven before here on flashcoders that for in is not faster
> than --a -(-1) because it compiles to more lines of pcode.  I guess it's
> time to use Flasm to bust out some pcode and post it here on the list
> instead of making claims based on hunches and past posts in the
> archives.
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