Works for me:

var self:MovieClip = this;
var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xml.onLoad = function(ok:Boolean) { self.doStuff(ok); }

function doStuff(ok:Boolean):Void {
var bitrate:String = xml.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.attributes["system-bitrate"];


Ryan Potter wrote:

Hello list.

I have been working on parsing a smil xml file so that I can detect
bandwidth for an flv player.  I am getting the xml output from a PHP
script and I am using xml.sendAndLoad().  That all works just fine.  I
can get the xml object back and I can parse through it and get the data
out with one strange exception.
When I try to parse the video node "system-bitrate" attribute I can't
get the value.  I have tried to turn it into a number, or a string
(which it is).  The weird thing is that if I trace it out it says it is
"NaN".  If I look at the type it is "string".  Then why won't it let me
read it???????

The weird part is that if I change the name of the attribute to
"bitrate" or just about any other name it works.  Is it the dash in the
attribute name?

Has anyone seen this behavior??

Thanks, Ryan
Here is my smil file:

                <meta base="rtmp://myflvserver/blahblah/flash/1/" />
                        <root-layout width="480" height="360" />
                        <video src="rl512k.flv"
                        <ref src="rl256k.flv"/>

SMIL xml parsing weirdness.

claus wahlers
cĂ´deazur brasil
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