I notice that you are using: so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
Do you need that? I've heard that the wmode paramater can do strange things to 
some browsers?

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On 10/5/2006 at 1:49 PM Ammon Lauritzen wrote:

>Ok, simple issue really, and I seem to have found evidence of other
>people experiencing it as well - just no answers posted to their pleas
>for help :)
>I have a flash video (the player swf is compiled for flash 8) that
>should be visible at the bottom of http://walk-ez.com/fans.aspx.
>And it is visible. Under Firefox and Opera. Under IE, it does not work
>on machines with flash 9, only those that have yet to be upgraded from
>I've tried with and without fla-i mean swfobject, with and without
>various parameters being passed in to the swf, and off of a variety of
>servers. None of this seems to make any sort of difference.
>Thoughts? Is this a known issue?
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