I've never gotten ObjectCopy to work properly. I've tried using it in a bunch of different projects and never get anything back but undefined. I'm not sure why though -- looking at the class, the code seems sound.


On Oct 10, 2006, at 7:41p, grimmwerks wrote:

I've done the dstObj[i] = copy( srcObj[i] );

Here's the weirdness: the test code:

tPage = new Object({banner : 0,templateType : "sub",dated : false,cHome :
trace("trace 1: " + tPage);

tObj = new Object();
tObj.page = mx.utils.ObjectCopy.copy(tPage);
trace(" trace 2 : page: " + tObj.page);
for(i in tObj.page){trace("inside tObj.page[i]: " + i + " : " + tObj.page

I get this:

trace 1: [object Object]
trace 2 : page: undefined
inside tObj.page[i]: cHome : true
inside tObj.page[i]: dated : false
inside tObj.page[i]: templateType : sub
inside tObj.page[i]: banner : 0


Now I ask you - how can tObj.page be UNDEFINED when it has variables like
tObj.page.cHome = true?

I've got an app that I've got these 'screen templates' that on the first
save, they work; but when someone re-opens and re-saves, it kills
everything. What gives?
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