> What did you find in Director that was lacking in these other 
> projector
> tools?

Well, a fully featured programming language for a start :) It depends a lot
I suppose on exactly what you are trying to achieve. Initially, some things
can be more labour intensive in Director (for instance, full screen
functionality will need to be coded rather than simply 'set'). Obviously
though, once you've done it once...

Director's MIAWs can be invaluable, especially if you are trying to build a
'desktop mate'. 

Although there are some differences, it is a very good cross platform

You can set title bar text and icon using Lingo.


Mike mentions that you have to buy Xtras. This can be seen as a huge pro -
any functionality that isn't currently available can be plugged in. Also,
there are a *lot* of free Xtras available out there. Finally (on Xtras), if
there isn't one available that provides the functionality you require, you
can always roll your own. 

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven
> Sacks | BLITZ
> Sent: 18 October 2006 19:13
> All you need with Director for OS level control is BuddyAPI.  There is
> another extra to disable certain key combos (like CTRL+ALT+DEL, etc.)
> for kiosk purposes but the name of the xtra escapes me;

Indeed. And if you are only going to use 2 of it's methods, you don't have
to pay for the pleasure. FileIO Xtra is free and also provides a lot of
system level interoperability. Steven - I don't think it's the one you are
talking about, but I recently came across a nice (free) little Xtra -
'quitMsg', which intercepts quit events (escape, ALT+F4, close button), so
allowing you to determine what happens when a user tries to quit.

Make no mistake - it can be awkward, Director has a number of, erm, lets be
kind and idiosyncratic behaviour traits that sometimes need to be allowed
for and coded around (example - the 'resizeWindow'event handler fires when
you restore down a window, but not when you restore up). On the whole
though, I find it robust, extensible, and *fun* to work with!



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