
Your text fields on stage are named "txtField0", "txtField1", etc.

But you are trying to index them as ["textField" + i]

Sorry that is partly my fault as my original answer said "text..." not "txt.." as your code does.

so to clarify..

_root.mainMC.auto.subMC["txtField" + i].text = turbo.attributes.name;

Should work.

A tip that might help:

If you are trying to find out stuff like this, then you can use a trace to make sure you are referencing something correctly - I used:

trace(_root.mainMC.auto.subMC["textField" + i]);

Which kept returning undefined, so I then used this to find out what was in the _root.mainMC.auto.subMC movie clip.

for(obj in _root.mainMC.auto.subMC) {
       trace(obj + " = " + _root.mainMC.auto.subMC[obj]);

You can also use the "debugger" and put a breakpoint in your code - then expand the movie clips to see what you have got at that point in time.

Good luck.

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