There are ways to do it but it's tricky. Here's an example on my blog :

You need to convert the text to a bitmap first, then you can do
perspective distortions using the triangles method described here :

We wrote our own code for it but if you want to save time, you can use
Sandy's excellent DistordImage class. :-)

hope this helps!


On 24/10/06, slangeberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not in (solely) flash, as far as I know or have ever seen.

We created a Java class that takes the parameters (font, text, style) and
performs the distortions on actual letter outlines, using Font objects. This
was set up as a webservice (coldfusion instantiates java object) that
returns coordinates for flash to draw out, at runtime.

Here's a section of that code, to give an idea (sorry, closed-source!):

private java.awt.Shape transform( int layout, String text, String font )
        j_Font = new java.awt.Font(font, java.awt.Font.PLAIN, FONT_SIZE);

        // FontRenderContext needed to create a GlyphVector object
        FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(null,true,true);

        // Create a GlyphVector object to get an outline of the text string
        GlyphVector gv = j_Font.createGlyphVector(frc, text);

            int length = gv.getNumGlyphs(); //Get the number of characters
            for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                java.awt.Shape glyph = gv.getGlyphOutline(i); //Transform
single glyph to Shape

                double glyphWidth = glyph.getBounds().getWidth(); //Get
single glyph width prior to rotation
                theta = (accGlyphWidth/gvWidth) * totalRotationDistance;
//Set rotation by points
                accGlyphWidth = accGlyphWidth + glyphWidth; //Add up
distance traveled thus far

                Point2D p = gv.getGlyphPosition(i);

                AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
                at.translate(-p.getX(), -p.getY());


As you can see, most of the transformations were accomplised using
AffineTransform to the glyphs stored in 'gv'.

Hope that gives you an idea of how this was done..!


On 10/23/06, Marc Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to dynamically distort user input text to fill a limited set
> of shapes. For example, the user might type in "WINNERS" and select a
> shape like the Arc d' Triomphe (flat-topped arch), and the tops of
> all the letters would be flat but the bottoms would be curved. This
> is more than just putting text on a curve -- it requires actually
> distorting the individual letters. Nike has something similar to this
> (but not exactly) on their custom uniform builder. See
> and
> move through the steps until you reach the "Select Name Style," after
> which you'll see the effect I'm after. Somehow they are able to skew
> the letters, though they're not actually distorting any straight
> lines into a curve, and all the letters keep the same height.
> Anyone know of something like this? Especially Flash 7-compliant?
> Thanks.
> Marc Hoffman
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: : ) Scott
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