Thanks Mark,

We are using a source control system (perforce) and I originally wanted to set
it up so everyone pointed to the classpath within their own workspaces
(absolute path)... for some reason this did not go over well with the team?
Perhaps I'll need to explain it to them a bit better. I have also added
document relative classpaths for each fla so atleast for now, as long as
they're working within the file structure laid out in source control, they can
find the classes.

I guess I just wanted an easier or recommended way for us all to share the

*.*   Sherri
Quoting Mark Lapasa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

A different (and long-term) approach to your problem would be not to use the
variable class path approach. Force your team to use a relative pathing
instead of the variable. Then instead of having your 'classes' or other
dependencies that your team relies on a shared drive on the network, use a
source control system like Visual SourceSafe or Subversion/TortoiseSVN.

It is a time-consuming task to get this setup but I think many here would
testify that having a source control software managing shared project
resources is an investment that will return many times.

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