> You would then need to create a 'player' app that reads the data and
> replicates the drawing's creation, at either a hardcoded or user-defined
> speed, to 'animate-in' the final drawing, all using the Drawing API.

You can see an example of what I'm talking about here:

1. Make a drawing.
2. Email it to yourself.
3. Click the link in the email.
4. Watch it recreate the drawing.


Joseph Balderson, Flash Platform Developer
http://www.joeflash.ca | 416-768-0987
Writing partner, Community MX | http://www.communitymx.com
Consultant, New Toronto Group | http://www.newyyz.com

Joseph Balderson wrote:
Ben is not asking designers to code their drawings, and I'm pretty sure you cannot access the IDE freeform pencil's actions in JSFL, I tried it once. Unless you somehow manage to get a tablet PC connected to the line drawing tool in Flash but build continuous lines, then yes, /that/ is reproducible in JSFL, in which case you'd just copy-paste the history panel, or a record the strokes using a JSFL application which would spit out some AS conversion. If having a drawing composed of connected lines is the look you're going for. A Davis (as in Josh), maybe, but it certainly won't be a Monet.

What you need Ben is to create a freeform drawing tool, in Flash, that captures continuous line data drawn in the app using the Drawing API in such a way that the lines are so small that each stroke appears freeform, I've seen it done. As you draw it records and converts the drawing to a data format of some kind, it really isn't important what (custom XML format, SVG, array sets, whatever) as long as your reciprocal 'player' app can read the data. You can output the results to a text window to cut-and paste into a text data file, or you can use the FileReference API plus some backend script to create a downloadable text/XML data file to use with your 'player'.

You would then need to create a 'player' app that reads the data and replicates the drawing's creation, at either a hardcoded or user-defined speed, to 'animate-in' the final drawing, all using the Drawing API.

But you would have to have your artist re-create any drawing using this tool, in order to capture his pencil strokes and record them to the data model.

Taking an existing drawing and recompositing it in actionscript can theoretically be done if you convert the swf vector image to SVG and then read it/re-create it using an SVG parser connected to your player app. The only thing is, because you'd most likely wind up with thousands of minute line segments, you'd have to handle their re-creation using an algorithm, not in the order they were created, which would be unknown. At best this would yield a relatively intuitive re-creation but would still look machine-generated. Worst-case scenario the strokes would form in no particular order, and in linear left-right-top-bottom or radial pattern best case scenario.

So really, your only option for effect realism is to create a drawing tool and a matched player for the job.

Or maybe find a drawing application that outputs to time-coded SVG (if such a thing exists), and read it back to the player app.


Joseph Balderson, Flash Platform Developer
http://www.joeflash.ca | 416-768-0987
Writing partner, Community MX | http://www.communitymx.com
Consultant, New Toronto Group | http://www.newyyz.com

Ben wrote:
I think he wants to take what some artist drew in Flash and code it to
draw at run-time using the drawing API.  I'm not sure what benefit that
has except to make designers have to code their drawings instead of draw
their drawings and I don't know (m)any designers who would like to do

the benefit is that the animation can be controlled programatically. For
example it can be made interactive or synchronised with external events, or it could respond to, or invite responses from, other Flash movies. In short,
it can contain programming logic. The benefits are many and varied.

It has nothing to do with making designers do anything, I don't mind how
designers produce their work.

Thanks anyway, I appreciate the time you guys give to these issues.

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