sure, i think that you are making a mistake though not testing for a flash version number.

if you have flash 8 content, and you user has flash player 7 (or lower) - your method would still embed the swf into the page, and the user's flash player would attempt to play that swf... often resulting in very strange things happening. maybe some stuff won't show up, maybe it will show up partially, maybe it will just be an empty box... it depends on the content.

i completely understand your wanting to roll your own thing, that's why I wrote swfobject in the first place - all of the existing solutions weren't that great - overly bulky or too complicated to use, or sometimes just plain didn't work for the situations i needed.

that said, i think you should take a good look at the whole package - it's very small and super easy to use, and lets you rest well knowing that your users don't get wacky content showing up. We use it on tons of high profile websites every day, and thousands of other people do as well (go and pick just about any flash site or flash movie these days and view source, i bet 8/10 times you'll see swfobject there in the source).

it's just one file, not an entire framework or app to maintain.

On Nov 9, 2006, at 4:51 PM, Merrill, Jason wrote:

FYI - I looked in more detail at swfobject as was suggested and the only
think I needed to pull out of it and plug into our other detection and
embedding scripts was in the catch/try statements:

axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");

Not specifying a version number.  Thanks to Geoff who suggested I just
pull out part of swfobject.

Re: swfobject suggestions, I think I was really trying to get down to a "teach me to fish, don't give me a fish" kind of a thing because of our
IT requirements, but I found the code I needed so I can fish.  Thanks.

Jason Merrill
Bank of America
Learning & Organizational Effectiveness

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flashcoders-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Merrill, Jason
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 4:43 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Simple Flash player detection without

swfobject is only 6.7kb... it doesn't get much lighter than that.

if you *really* need something smaller (which sounds like a
ridiculous need to me)

Before you actually think I have a "ridiculous need" - I'm not talking about filesize necessarily, I'm also talking about controlling large
amounts of sourcecode - in this case, code we didn't write - or at
being able to understand/navigate all of it.  And this is code that
be propagated to other systems and servers.  I work for a Bank, you
imagine what that can mean from an IT perspective. :)

Shoot me for not wanting to use swfobject out of the box and roll my
- but I will take a look at what we could pull out of it as you
suggested.  Thanks,

Jason Merrill
Bank of America
Learning & Organizational Effectiveness

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